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Web Remote

Control your scoreboard from a mobile device!

(Web Remote Overview)


Allow your game officials to control the clock, change scores, sound the buzzer, and much more directly from the court!

Web Remote is a feature available on select scoreboards that allows you to control your scoreboard from most any mobile device. This includes iPads, iPods, tablets, smart phones, netbooks, and most any other device that has a web browser.

While the scoreboard application runs on a Windows computer, the Web Remote feature allows you to control that scoreboard from a remote device.

Web Remote does not require internet access. It only requires a local network connection between the scoreboard computer and the remote device.

How it Works

1. In the scoreboard application, enable the Web Remote feature. The scoreboard will then show you the Web Remote URL.

2. On the remote device, enter the Web Remote URL into your web browser. You'll see the Web Remote page appear.

3. Now you can use your device to remotely control your scoreboard. Try increasing a score or starting/stopping the clock from your remote device!

(How it Works)

(Web Remote Overview)


Allow your game officials to control the clock, change scores, sound the buzzer, and much more directly from the court!

Web Remote is a feature available on select scoreboards that allows you to control your scoreboard from most any mobile device. This includes iPads, iPods, tablets, smart phones, netbooks, and most any other device that has a web browser.

While the scoreboard application runs on a Windows computer, the Web Remote feature allows you to control that scoreboard from a remote device.

Web Remote does not require internet access. It only requires a local network connection between the scoreboard computer and the remote device.

How it Works

1. In the scoreboard application, enable the Web Remote feature. The scoreboard will then show you the Web Remote URL.

2. On the remote device, enter the Web Remote URL into your web browser. You'll see the Web Remote page appear.

3. Now you can use your device to remotely control your scoreboard. Try increasing a score or starting/stopping the clock from your remote device!

(How it Works)

Owners of V2 licenses can upgrade to V3 for free or at a discount, see details.

Technical Details

  • The Web Remote feature does not need or use an Internet connection. Your local network does not need to be connected to the Internet to use the Web Remote feature.
  • Both the computer running the scoreboard application and the remote device need to be on the same local network.
  • The network needs to allow communication between devices.
  • The computer running the scoreboard needs to allow incoming connections to the port that Web Remote is running on. This port can be found and configured in the scoreboard Options.
  • The computer running the scoreboard needs to have its network location configured as either "Home" or "Work".

For more details and troubleshooting tips, see the Web Remote Troubleshooting page.

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